We are the heirs of the fate of our ancestors, but this does not mean that we sit in a corner, and put our hands on each other, and since we are the heirs of our ancestors, we do not seek to change our fate and those around us. Or even if we don’t know what happened to us, we have concluded that we are the heirs of the fate of our dead.

From the book World of Life

Introduction of the book

Adam & Eve

Adam & Eve by Mohammad Mohammadali, is the first novel of the Trilogy of The First day, im which the author has tried to recreate the creation myth in Iranian and Semitic-Islamic cosmology.

 The Novel concerns the story of Adam and Eve, as it is in Islamic-Iranian Culture, which is quite different from the story in the Bible. In this novel, based mainly on the Islamic traditions, Satan is not banned after he deceives the first couple, but before it, when god creates Adam and orders all the angles to bow before him. Satan refuses to bow, as he claims that only God is worthy of praise. God expels Satan because of insubordination. But Satan makes a pact with god, that he will try to deceive all mankind, till the judgment day.


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Contemporary fiction writer

Mohammad Mohammadali


Naked In The Wind , German Translation

Das Telefon klingelte: Es war Oberst Kashefi. Wann geht Agha Wali in Rente?” Heute oder morgen wird die Anweisung erteilt.” ,,Ich habe Arbeit für ihn.” ,,Danke, daß du meine Empfehlung nicht vergessen hast, Herr Oberst.“ Sage mir nur, ob er zu schwerer Arbeit taugt.” …Laß dich von seiner Körpergröße und Lahmheit nicht beirren. Hier bei…

At the Photographer’s Studio

Short Story by Mohammad Mohmmad-Ali, Contemporary Iranian Novelist Translated with an introduction by M. Alexandrian “What happened that you remembered to take a picture now? Move a bit to the left. That is all right. loot at this slot.” – “The fact is that recently God has given us a child… I wish him to…

Naked in the Wind

* Interview with Mohammad-Ali, Candidate of Pegah’s Literature Mehregan TEHRAN-The TEHRAN TIMES recently conducted an interview with Mohammad Mohammad-Ali, the winner of the Author of the Year award. The prize was awarded by the Pegah Institute. Following is the interview: Q: Could you inform us about your works? A: These books are merely the efforts…

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